The Drug Class Blog

Nov 16

Trying to make a difference/

More From Hayley

"You helped me decide I am going to quit drugs."

These are the words a young girl told me today. Words that warmed my heart and reminded me why I share my story. After awhile, hearing myself talk and sharing the same things over and over each day gets boring and I begin to feel like I am not doing a good job, but then I remember I am not doing this for me.

We are here to raise awareness about substance abuse/addiction and share information with the community. We are here to help. I have gotten something from every place we have been to, every conversation I have had, and every person I have met.

I have met adults who are concerned for the youth in their community and who want to make a difference, adults who left the room with a lot more knowledge than they walked in with and adults who have shared their stories with me. I have also had the opportunity to speak with many of the youth (grades 4 - 12) after each presentation. Many of them have showed concern for their friends, peers and family members, some showed concern for themselves and their future and some decided that something needed to change.

I feel for these kids. I am one of them, and not too long ago I made that same decision. That decision saved my life. The feeling I get from helping someone to look at themselves and to realize they may have a problem is indescribable. I think about these people often, I wonder how they are doing and hope they are okay.

I also have spoken with many kids who are depressed, substance users and abusers, and sometimes suicidal. I ask these kids if they think drugs could be a problem, and many of them say no. Many of the ones who say yes are not willing to change. I asked one of them why they weren't, and they told me they didn't think things would ever change.

It is these kids I think about the most, because I thought and said the exact same thing. I didn't think I deserved better. I didn't think it would make a difference. It wasn't until I realized I was a good person who deserved a good life that I got help.

Pain is temporary and things can get better, and they will if we can find the courage to change.

To everyone we have spoken to and to those we will see tomorrow, I wish you the best of luck. You are worth it and you deserve happiness. Each and every one of you is a person who can do great things.

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