The Drug Class Blog

Nov 21

Practice Practice


We are heading back home today. Just like last time I’m leaving here feeling admiration for the people in Hay River who are working so hard to make things better for their community in general, but mostly for the kids. Thank you to Bobbie, Jill and Victor for setting everything up and getting us to everywhere we had to be and the passion and dedication you have for your community.

Yesterday we did presentations at Princess Alexandra Elementary, Chief Sunrise School, the Community centre on Katl'odeeche First Nation and for the Hay River Community last night. Other than a bit of a computer glitch I thought everything went well.

The biggest thing about prevention programming is that it has to be ongoing and has to be regular. Kids are pressured every day in a variety of ways to use drugs and alcohol.

For prevention to work there has to be constant push back or the dark side wins. I know that what we are doing is having some positive affect, a few kids who we talked to during the day came back last night and a couple even brought their parents.

We have to work hard to make not using drugs and alcohol normal. That will tip the balance.

Thanks again Hay River Community Justice and Interagency committee.

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