The Drug Class Blog


May 04

Manage your stress

Most Substance Use problems are, in some way or other, a reaction to perceived stress.  Recovery is abouts learning how to deal with life on lifes terms.  Here are some suggestions.  Thanks too Lisa S. for the contribution.  Stress Management Techniques   Today's culture rewards...

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Sep 24

Divorce and Kids

  One of the interesting things in my world is that people contact me and ask if they can help. I have been working with Rosanne for a few months and she has contributed many very good things to Drug Class.  I am blessed.  Thank you Roseanne! Divorce As An Early Trauma Can Contribute...

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Jan 02

Going to be emotionally mature??

It is becoming more and more apparent that there are a lot more problems associated with marijuana, particularly when used by teens.  Please have a look at this artilce.

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Dec 18

Having Fun?

Many people get confused about having fun, all the alcohol ads show us that we will be better looking, more popular and have more fun if we drink, and we are starting to see ads about how to be more relaxed with your favorite "bud" Thinking that you can't have fun or relax without "something" to help...

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Jan 17

Going to Pot??

Marijuana use keeps emerging as a primary issue.  There is a lot of media out there pushing the idea that this drug isn't a big deal. Much of this may be being fueled by the incredible revenue potential that there is in sales and marketing of this drug as its acceptability increases. A drug is...

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Jun 07

Into the light

I think one of the reasons the Drug Class program works in our schools is that it brings a problem into the open, talks about it, teaches about it and makes getting help OK.  I've told this story hundreds of times but here it is again. Part 1 One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The...

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May 09

Teen Marijuana Use Increases

We have talked about this issue several times on this site but here is another article which confirms that we need to pay a lot of attention to Marijuana use in the teen population.   Heavy' Marijuana Use by Teens Surges By Buddy T, GuideMay 2, 2012 The 23rd Partnership Attitude Tracking...

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Apr 07

A look at Alcohol Use

Here is some great info and a test that was passed on to me by Aldo Baker. Alcohol Abuse is still a significant problem and the biggest problem is that we think what we are doing is OK. Check this out

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Dec 18

Eyes Wide Open

Eyes Wide Open It is very easy to think that whatever is going on with your teen is just “teen” stuff. If we are not careful we will often pass off changes as being just “growing up” or “experimenting” or “teen angst”. We can also really get caught by...

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Aug 16

More on the Disease Idea

Here is another very good article to help people understand that Addiction isn't bad behavior. this is from Live Science.. Addiction Now Defined As Brain Disorder, Not Behavior Problem   Addiction is a chronic brain disorder and not simply a behavior problem involving alcohol, drugs, gambling...

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