Another interesting day in Yellowknife.
We started back at the Tree of Peace with a workshop that included many of the service workers from a couple of agencies.
Next we did a session with the High school students at Sir John Franklin High school. Topic of the day there was marijuana. As always its what you don’t know that hurts you so hopefully we were able to change some thinking.
Sadie’s talk had a definite impact.
We then did a small session at St Pat’s High School. Georgia did her presentation on Binge Drinking and also had a positive impact on the kids.
The really satisfying part of this type of work is being able to see people learn and develop the desire to change.
The last session today was a Feast and Drum Dance at N’dilo community. This was to celebrate National Addictions Awareness Week as well as Restorative Justice week. The food was great, the dancing fantastic and the work the community put into this event was impressive.
The photo I posted with this article talks about Dene Laws. Simple and effective, we don't have to re invent the wheel.