War on thinking
Propaganda is interesting, it generally relies on creating enough emotion to have that override critical thinking.
I often check out “High Times” the pro marijuana news service, or 420.com or Cannabis Culture, just to see what they are saying becayue I know the kids I work with are reading this too.
In a recent “Radical Rant” http://www.hightimes.com/read/radical-rant-marijuana-gateway-harm-reduction There were some very interesting ideas (read propaganda) in this article.
I submitted the following comment but when I checked it wasn’t there….
I think tobacco is really the only drug that's passes the gateway threshold of more than 10 % of users going on to other drugs.
The fact that marijuana doesn't meet that threshold does not automatically mean that it is ok either.
As far as the educational/IQ stuff goes. 50 uses in a year translates to less than once a week but it didn't talk about what happened to more regular users. That is an entirely different issue.
The substitution of marijuana for other mood modifying drugs may be seen at one level as an advantage but so does hitting yourself on the head with a smaller hammer. Chemical dependency is still chemical dependency. The bigger question is what is hurting for that individual that they need to escape from.
There are some very interesting and progressive medical developments coming out of the research on CBD hopefully that will help many people however CBD isn't really psychoactive in terms of mood. I believe the discussion about medical marijuana, which is a bit misleading needs to be changed to a discussion about medical cannabinoids.
Anyway the world of bias is like belly buttons. We all have one.
Yes, you can ride a bike stoned but can you do it in traffic.
Enjoy the day.
Real - y