The Drug Class Blog

Dec 29

Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription Drug Abuse is becoming a bigger and bigger problem. There are a lot of these drugs available at parties and kids are mixing them with alcohol and other drugs which potentially can be lethal.  I have talked to a couple of kids in the past two weeks who have unintentionally overdosed while taking prescription drugs to get high. 

Many of these drugs are coming from their parents medicine cabinets, either taking a few here and there, thinking that they won't be missed, or taking medications that are no longer being used. It is always a really good idea to get rid of any unused medications by returning them to the pharmacy.

When kids get into the habit of getting high, after awhile it doesn't really matter what they use to do that.

All of this is very scary for parents and it is particularly frightening when you realize that your son or daughter has a problem. Having a child whose drug or alcohol use is out of control can quickly throw the whole family into turmoil.

One parent who has been through this contacted me yesterday, she realized that she couldn't help her son until she helped herself and has written a book about her experience and as well has a radio talk show that deals with "A Practical Plan for Keeping Your Heart Intact While Loving An Addict"

Click on the link if you are interested.  I have also provided the same link on our resources page.

Take Care.

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