Watching the media try to deliver information on marijuana is very interesting, the pro-marijuana folks keep delivering more on potential benefits, here is some more info you need to know. Marijuana’s effects and why age matters Dr. Gary Wenk is a professor of psychology and neuroscience, among...
It is becoming more and more apparent that there are a lot more problems associated with marijuana, particularly when used by teens. Please have a look at this artilce.
The more we hear about medical marijuana, the more the perception that it does more good than harm seeps into people's thinking, particularly teens. What we are dealing with here is a very organized approach to legalize marijuana use, partly becuase a lot of people like it , more because there...
One of the issues we have been hearing a lot about are all the supposed medical advantages of marijuana. The pro marijuana movement is very organized and very intent on medicalizing as much info about marijuana as possible. That group realized a long time ago that much of society wasn’t really...
There is still a lot of misconception about driving while under the influence of marijuana, this article has some interesting new information.
I have written about this before and these products have shown up in Toronto and Manitoba, we have had occasional report here, but it will likely increase. The interesting thing is that instead of really being concerned about the increasing attempts to find intoxicants many people will use this...
Snake Oil: If you have ever watched old westerns you have seen the Snake Oil Salesman, selling something that seems to be the cure for everything. The discusion about marijuana is moving into that category. One of the things that seems to be confusing a lot of people, particularly teens, are the discussionas...
I have included a link to a very interesting article. It includes the reference of being OK with a certain amount of lead paint in our children's cribs. I have said many times that we need to check our thinking "Is what you are thinking true?" Marijuana (more explicitly THC) is a drug, plain and simple,...
Marijuana changes brain development. We know that. We know a lot more too. Marijuana is addictive - Less than nicotine but then heroin is less addictive than nicotine, so is alcohol. The addictiveness of a drug is less of an issue than the capacity of a drug to disrupt normal thinking and functionality...
Synthetic Cannabinoids. We haven’t seen a lot of these products in western Canada but they are an issue in the east and certainly in the USA. Often referred to as |spice” synthetic cannabinoids are exactly what that sounds like , a manufactured version of THC. They are proving to be dangerous,...