The Drug Class Blog


Feb 15

Marijuana Effects and why age matters

Watching the media try to deliver information on marijuana is very interesting, the pro-marijuana folks keep delivering more on potential benefits, here is some more info you need to know. Marijuana’s effects and why age matters Dr. Gary Wenk is a professor of psychology and neuroscience, among...

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Jan 02

Going to be emotionally mature??

It is becoming more and more apparent that there are a lot more problems associated with marijuana, particularly when used by teens.  Please have a look at this artilce.

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Oct 26

ADHD and other stuff

I came across this article and thought it was worth sharing.  Many of the teens I work with speak of their drug use "helping" how they are feeling/functioning. The drug use doesn't really help but the kids ability to identify that something is wrong is very important. Please check the article below. Also,...

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Jan 28


I just spent two days in Ottawa at the National Summit on Recovery hosted by the CCSA. I know many of you won’t get wildly excited about this but it was actually historic.Those of you who have dealt with addiction or know someone who has read on. This was the first time that Canada has addressed...

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Jan 11

"Safe" Use ??

I have included a link to a very interesting article. It includes the reference of being OK with a certain amount of lead paint in our children's cribs. I have said many times that we need to check our thinking "Is what you are thinking true?" Marijuana (more explicitly THC) is a drug, plain and simple,...

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Dec 18

Having Fun?

Many people get confused about having fun, all the alcohol ads show us that we will be better looking, more popular and have more fun if we drink, and we are starting to see ads about how to be more relaxed with your favorite "bud" Thinking that you can't have fun or relax without "something" to help...

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Nov 11

And some more on Marijuana

Marijuana changes brain development. We know that. We know a lot more too. Marijuana is addictive - Less than nicotine but then heroin is less addictive than nicotine, so is alcohol. The addictiveness of a drug is less of an issue than the capacity of a drug to disrupt normal thinking and functionality...

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Jun 16

More from Fort Albany - The Wellness Challenge!

Fort Albany Monday June 16. Had a good flight from Timmins on Air Creebec, which is Canada’s first Cree owned airline. We had a short stop in Moosonee and then on to Fort Albany, you can see the gravel runway in the photo. The community is involved in a wellness challenge which is a great idea!...

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Feb 04

It makes a difference

According to a recent research study by the journal Schizophrenia Bulletin, pot may be poorly affecting the memory and reasoning capability of teens using the drug heavily. “The study links the chronic use of marijuana to these concerning brain abnormalities that appear to last for at least a...

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Jan 29

Why It's Still A Big Deal

Recent Article from Time Magazine is worth the read. Why it's still a big deal if your teen smokes pot By Randye Hoder, updated 7:05 AM EST, Tue January 28, 2014 ( -- With each passing day, it seems, smoking pot becomes less and less stigmatized in our society. In a much-buzzed-about...

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