The Drug Class Blog


Dec 11

Good Idea?

I have talked about this before but it is a topic that needs lots of attention. I had a conversation with a parent the other day that centered around their concern with their teen’s substance use (including alcohol) essentially they were going to see how things went as they had the “talk”...

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Nov 02

Where Does It Start

Drug and Alcohol Problems generally start young, usually when kids are in grade 8 or nine. The research clearly shows that most people who have substance problems started their alcohol or drug use before they were 17 and typically at 13 or 14. I had a grade 9 class this week with about 35 kids and...

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Aug 25

Synthetic Weed

Synthetic Cannabinoids. We haven’t seen a lot of these products in western Canada but they are an issue in the east and certainly in the USA. Often referred to as |spice” synthetic cannabinoids are exactly what that sounds like , a manufactured version of THC. They are proving to be dangerous,...

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Jun 17

I didn't know that!!

Fort Albany Day 2 Started the day with a walk, the video I posted it a good example of what it is like here. Fort Albany in essentially on the delta of the Albany River.There is lots of marsh and lots of bush and lots of quiet. Our first presentation was at the Health Centre and was on the effects...

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Jun 17

I didn't know that!!

Fort Albany Day 2 Started the day with a walk, the video I posted it a good example of what it is like here. Fort Albany in essentially on the delta of the Albany River.There is lots of marsh and lots of bush and lots of quiet. Our first presentation was at the Health Centre and was on the effects...

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May 28

How Bad??

It is always interesting listening to people who do not want to have a drug or alcohol problem. Even though they fit the standard definition of continuing to do the same thing in spite of negative consequences people often are really resistant to looking for help and even more resistant to going into...

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May 16

Alcohol and Music

I’ll Drink to that! Teen binge drinking linked to identifying alcohol brands in pop music Every day in North America, the average adolescent is exposed to 2.5 hours of popular music and eight references to alcohol brands. And now, researchers have found a link between binge drinking in teens and...

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Mar 24

Signs Symptoms and Causes

Parents and Teachers Need to know everything about signs of drug abuse and addiction Knowing the signs of drug abuse and addiction will help you with identifying problems with family and friends. Addictions are defined as a compulsive need for and use of habit-forming substance — heroin, tobacco...

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Jan 29

Why It's Still A Big Deal

Recent Article from Time Magazine is worth the read. Why it's still a big deal if your teen smokes pot By Randye Hoder, updated 7:05 AM EST, Tue January 28, 2014 ( -- With each passing day, it seems, smoking pot becomes less and less stigmatized in our society. In a much-buzzed-about...

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Jan 17

Going to Pot??

Marijuana use keeps emerging as a primary issue.  There is a lot of media out there pushing the idea that this drug isn't a big deal. Much of this may be being fueled by the incredible revenue potential that there is in sales and marketing of this drug as its acceptability increases. A drug is...

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